Tips & TricksWindows

Laptop Battery Not Charging Issue: A Complete Guide

Laptops are crucial devices that we use on a daily basis. They are portable and user-friendly, and we frequently rely on them for work, leisure, and communication. However, one typical problem that laptop users have is a battery that refuses to charge. A non-charging laptop battery can be inconvenient and reduce productivity. In this post, we’ll go through how to fix a laptop battery that won’t charge in straightforward, easy-to-follow steps.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Check the Power Cord & Adapter

The first step is to ensure that the power cable and adapter are in good functioning condition. A loose connection or a broken power cable can sometimes prevent the laptop battery from charging. To ensure that the power cable and adapter are in good condition for use, do the following tests:

Laptop battery not charging: Charger with Adapter
  • Check that the power cord is firmly inserted into the wall socket and the laptop.
  • Examine the power cord for any damage or cuts. If the power cable is damaged, replace it with a new one.
  • Examine the adapter for any cracks or burns. If the adapter is damaged, replace it with a new one.
  • Check to see whether the adaptor has an LED light. If it’s not turned on, disconnect it, wait a few seconds, and then reconnect it.

Step 2: Check the Laptop Battery

The following step is to inspect the laptop battery. Sometimes the battery is the source of the charging problem. What you can do is as follows:

  • Turn off the laptop and unplug the power cord.
  • Take out the laptop’s battery.
  • Examine the battery for any damage or swelling. If the battery is damaged, replace it with a new one.
  • Replace the battery in the laptop and reconnect the power cord.
  • Check to see if the laptop’s battery is charged.

Step 3: Check the Battery Contacts

The battery contacts are the metal connections that connect the battery to the laptop. Dust or dirt can sometimes gather on the battery connections, preventing the battery from charging. What you can do is as follows:

  • Turn off the laptop and unplug the power cord.
  • Take out the laptop’s battery.
  • Clean the battery connections on both the battery and the laptop using a soft cloth or cotton swab.
  • Replace the battery in the laptop and reconnect the power cord.
  • Check to see if the laptop’s battery is charging.

Step 4: Check the BIOS Settings

The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is a piece of software that controls the hardware on a laptop. However, the BIOS settings might sometimes prevent the laptop battery from charging. What you can do is as follows:

WARNING: Do the following steps more carefully, as any wrong step may lead to complete system failure.

  • Turn off the laptop and unplug the power cord.
  • Turn on the laptop and press the F2 or Delete (Del) key to enter the BIOS settings. (The BIOS key depends on your laptop manufacturer.)
  • To get to the Power Management section, use the arrow keys.
  • Check to see if the battery is turned on or off. If it’s turned off, turn it back on.
  • Save your modifications and quit the BIOS configuration.
  • Replace the battery in the laptop and reconnect the power cord.
  • Check to see if the laptop’s battery is charging.

Step 5: Update the Laptop’s Drivers

Nevertheless, outdated or corrupt laptop drivers can sometimes prevent the battery from charging. What you can do is as follows:

  • Select Device Manager by pressing Windows key + X.
  • Right-click on the Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery and choose Properties.
  • Click OK after selecting Uninstall device.
  • When you restart your laptop, Windows will automatically reinstall the driver.
  • Replace the battery in the laptop and reconnect the power cord.
  • Check to see if the laptop’s battery is charged.

Step 6: Contact your Device Manufacturer or Seek Professional Help

If none of these steps work, it may be time to contact your device manufacturer or seek professional help. In certain circumstances, the laptop’s hardware is damaged and must be repaired or replaced. Moreover, always take care of your laptop’s battery by neither overcharging it or exposing it to high temperatures, since both can harm the battery and shorten its lifespan.


A laptop battery not charging problem can be irritating, but there are simple steps you can do to resolve it. Additionally, some of the most common fixes to this problem include checking the power cable and adapter, battery, battery connections, BIOS settings, and upgrading the laptop’s drivers. It is critical to complete these procedures in the order listed since they address the most likely sources of the problem. Hence, to avoid future problems, remember to take proper care of your laptop and its battery.

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