
The Poetry of Code: The Fascinating World of Bard AI

Google recently disclosed that Bard AI, a rival to ChatGPT and Bing Chatbot, will be made available. But since the firm is starting with a restricted public release, it’s likely that you won’t be able to access the product straight immediately. Visitors from the U.S. and the U.K. can visit to sign up for a waitlist. Bard is a “early experiment that allows you work with generative AI,” according to Google. Moreover, “Grow with Google” sends out emails inviting certain people to test out the newly designed AI.

Google's Bard AI Invitation Mail
Google’s Bard AI Invitation Mail

Table of Contents

Google's Bard AI
Bard AI || Image Source:

Introduction to Google’s Bard AI

Google created the language model known as Bard AI with the intention of creating poetry. A poet, singer, or storyteller with the name of “Bard” was a member of the ancient Celtic and Gaelic civilizations. The same goes for this AI chatbot, which is built to produce creative poetry in a range of forms and genres, including sonnets, haikus, and free verse. Nevertheless, according to Google, the AI chatbot is now now capable of the following functions as well and much more.

Google's Bard AI Example 1
Bard AI Example Interface (1) || GIF Credit: Google

To sum up, Google’s Bard AI is an artificially intelligent chatbot to challenge the recently developed Bing Chatbot and the existing Chat GPT.

Bard AI

  • Help you finish your art studio tagline: craft, create and much more.
  • Explain why lightning might strike the same place twice.
  • Draft a packing list for your weekend fishing and camping trip.
  • Suggest more high-protein options to add to your vegan diet.
  • Explain why large language models might make mistakes.
  • Help you get started on writing your first novel.
  • Outline your blog post about summer mocktail recipes.

Note: The above functions are only just some examples of what the AI chatbot can do. There is much more capabilities of this AI other than these functions.

Technique Used

In order to comprehend the language patterns and sentence structures behind conversational questions and answers, the AI chatbot utilizes deep learning techniques. It gives context to the responses rather than just a list of answers. It is also intended to assist with follow-up questions, which are new search terms. This helps users find similar questions to the one they originally asked.

Current State of Bard AI

Bard doesn’t contain footnotes with links to web sources as Microsoft’s Bing chatbot does. You can verify the accuracy of the response using those footnotes. If Bard’s response doesn’t satisfy you, Google also allows you to browse several responses to the same question. To load additional responses, click the “View other drafts” link in the top right corner.

Google's Bard AI Example 2
Bard AI Example Interface (1) || GIF Credit: Google

Bard now exists independently of Google’s search engine. From the search results, it appears that you cannot communicate with Bard. Yet Bard will undoubtedly spark some discussions about plagiarism and the connection between Google and outside websites. As Google currently strives to provide immediate answers on without requiring users to visit another page, this isn’t a brand-new problem.

Last Words

In conclusion, Bard’s restricted release today is just the beginning of a protracted process. As the product is more generally accessible, it will be interesting to observe how users engage with it as well as how regulators and content producers react to Google’s new offering.

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